@恆智德 呢個我有印象
呢兩條友從一月份開始偷武肺疫苗,以前係EE學生,住向中國The accusations against former electrical engineering students Li Xiaoyu and Dong Jiazhi released on Tuesday include charges of trade secret theft and wire fraud conspiracy.
Prosecutors said the two men spied on a Massachusetts biotech firm in January which was known to be researching possible cures for Covid-19. They also hacked a Maryland company less than a week after it said it was researching Covid-19.
The indictment unsealed in Washington state said the two men - who reside in China - recently "researched vulnerabilities in the networks of biotech and other firms publicly known for work on Covid-19 vaccines, treatments, and testing technology".
A federal grand jury in Spokane, Washington, returned an indictment earlier this month charging two hackers, both nationals and residents of the People’s Republic of China (China), with hacking into the computer systems of hundreds of victim companies, governments, non-governmental organizations, and individual dissidents, clergy, and democratic and human rights activists in the United States and abroad, including Hong Kong and China. The defendants in some instances acted for their own personal financial gain, and in others for the benefit of the MSS or other Chinese government agencies. The hackers stole terabytes of data which comprised a sophisticated and prolific threat to U.S. networks.
The 11-count indictment alleges LI Xiaoyu (李啸宇), 34, and DONG Jiazhi (董家志), 33, who were trained in computer applications technologies at the same Chinese university, conducted a hacking campaign lasting more than ten years to the present, targeting companies in countries with high technology industries, including the United States, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Targeted industries included, among others, high tech manufacturing; medical device, civil, and industrial engineering; business, educational, and gaming software; solar energy; pharmaceuticals; defense. In at least one instance, the hackers sought to extort cryptocurrency from a victim entity, by threatening to release the victim’s stolen source code on the Internet. More recently, the defendants probed for vulnerabilities in computer networks of companies developing COVID-19 vaccines, testing technology, and treatments.
算唔算民族英雄The defendants are each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit computer fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; one count of conspiracy to commit theft of trade secrets, which carries a maximum sentence of ten years in prison; one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; one count of unauthorized access of a computer, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; and seven counts of aggravated identity theft, which each carries a mandatory sentence of two non-consecutive years in prison.
上面份訴狀有更多細節,比如兩人都來自電子科大(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)兩個L樣爲國安提供大量異議人士資料,如電郵密碼。受害者包括西安和基督教會牧師,成都家庭教會牧師(已被逮捕,估計係秋雨聖約教會的王怡?),兩個居住香港嘅加拿大手足,六四流亡者(同達賴有來往)
其中一間被偷疫苗公司係ModernaChinese government-linked hackers targeted biotech company Moderna Inc, a leading U.S.-based coronavirus vaccine research developer, earlier this year in a bid to steal valuable data, according to a U.S. security official tracking Chinese hacking activity.
另外兩間可能係Gilead Sciences Inc and Novavax Inc
The two other unnamed medical research companies mentioned in the Justice Department indictment are described as biotech companies based in California and Maryland. Prosecutors said the hackers “searched for vulnerabilities” and “conducted reconnaissance” against them.
The court filing describes the California firm as working on antiviral drug research and suggested the Maryland company had publicly announced efforts to develop a vaccine in January. Two companies that could match those descriptions: Gilead Sciences Inc and Novavax Inc .
@Wetdiet 可能無出中國,至少司法部文件無提,兼且而家都住向中國
@恆智德 我下意識以為疫苗要係美國偷,突然發現可以駭。如果住係中國,咁可以理解。而家中國係個大監倉,想走都難,而且就算走左,家人俾中共控制都好容易被威脅。
@Wetdiet 應該至少有兩種,一種係已經離開中國好多年,人在異鄉,距離產生美,容易比中共「民族復興」洗腦;另一種係本身就同中共有唔少關係,係權貴或者家奴,自自然然就會幫中共
@Rehk 我認為民族復興就係鬧劇,一個社會主義國家搞乜嘢民族復興,仲有復興乜民族?中華民族就係漢民族包左層皮,講民族復興先俾民族自決先
@Wetdiet 中共宣傳都係咁,千祈咪細究,恁多層就到處都係矛盾
@恆智德 十年前話中宣戰五渣,而家係上頭迫到佢哋冇得轉彎,朝令夕改,邏輯矛盾,仲要宣傳口鬼咁低工資,班領導日日食到肚滿腸肥。中共宣傳已經當中國人係白痴,經唔起推敲。
@Wetdiet 中共好多方面已經係喪失原有功能,例如口交部已經喪失外交功能,官媒已經喪失訊息獲取渠道功能
@Rehk 從蘇聯引進的黨政軍系統的退化版本,就是阿姨說的瓦房店學,一代不如一代。
@耶利 蘇聯亡前黨政軍系統仲有塊虎皮。1990年前仲係冇人估到蘇聯兩年內解體,華約國家既獨立被視為蘇聯民主進程既重要一步
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