@恆智德 其實安倍係Donald Trump上任前同佢見面已經提出要圍堵支共,但仲係諗住靜靜地贏,支那錢照收
先幾日(7月7日)FBI局長Christopher Wray向Hudson Institute演講,題目係《中國政府和中共對美國經濟和國家安全的威脅》(The Threat Posed by the Chinese Government and the Chinese Communist Party to the Economic and National Security of the United States)。
- Hongjin Tan,中國公民,持有綠卡,申請中國千人計劃,從前雇主——Oklahoma州某汽油公司竊取價值超過十億嘅商業秘密,已罪成入獄
Take the case of scientist Hongjin Tan, for example, a Chinese national and American lawful permanent resident. He applied to China’s Thousand Talents Program and stole more than $1 billion—that’s with a “b”—worth of trade secrets from his former employer, an Oklahoma-based petroleum company, and got caught. A few months ago, he was convicted and sent to prison.
- Shan Shi,德州科研人員,偷取複合泡沫塑料,準備聯手中國國企壟斷市場
Shan Shi, a Texas-based scientist, also sentenced to prison earlier this year. Shi stole trade secrets regarding syntactic foam, an important naval technology used in submarines. Shi, too, had applied to China’s Thousand Talents Program, and specifically pledged to “digest” and “absorb” the relevant technology in the United States. He did this on behalf of Chinese state-owned enterprises, which ultimately planned to put the American company out of business and take over the market.
- Hao Zhang,從兩間美國公司竊取有關無綫設備嘅商業秘密,其中一間公司用20年所發展出來嘅技術Zhang偷去
Hao Zhang was convicted of economic espionage, theft of trade secrets, and conspiracy for stealing proprietary information about wireless devices from two U.S. companies. One of those companies had spent over 20 years developing the technology Zhang stole.
- Tan認罪,判監24個月,向前雇主賠償15萬
In his plea agreement, Tan admitted to intentionally copying and downloading the technologies’ research and development materials without authorization from his employer.
https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/american-businessman-who-ran-houston-based-subsidiary-chinese-company-sentenced-prison -
- Tan認罪,判監24個月,向前雇主賠償15萬
- 5月拉咗兩個,瞞報同中國合作,同時繼續拿美國funding
In May alone, we arrested both Qing Wang, a former researcher with the Cleveland Clinic who worked on molecular medicine and the genetics of cardiovascular disease, and Simon Saw-Teong Ang, a University of Arkansas scientist doing research for NASA. Both of these guys were allegedly committing fraud by concealing their participation in Chinese talent recruitment programs while accepting millions of dollars in American federal grant funding.
- Emory University教授Xiao-Jiang Li接受中國50萬美金而無申報收入,認罪後判感化一年,補交稅款
That same month, former Emory University professor Xiao-Jiang Li pled guilty to filing a false tax return for failing to report the income he’d received through China’s Thousand Talents Program. Our investigation found that while Li was researching Huntington’s disease at Emory, he was also pocketing half a million unreported dollars from China.
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-emory-university-professor-and-chinese-thousand-talents-participant-convicted-and- 哈佛大學化學及化學生物學系主任Charles Lieber被控虛假陳述,隱瞞渠同中國方面嘅合作。渠從武漢理工大學收受每月5萬美金補助,以及超過15萬生活補貼,仲有耗資150萬興建嘅實驗室。渠6月份拒絕認罪。
In a similar vein, Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, was indicted just last month for making false statements to federal authorities about his Thousand Talents participation. The United States has alleged that Lieber concealed from both Harvard and the NIH his position as a strategic scientist at a Chinese university—and the fact that the Chinese government was paying him, through the Wuhan Institute of Technology, a $50,000 monthly stipend, more than $150,000 in living expenses, and more than $1.5 million to establish a laboratory back in China.
@恆智德 美國《科學》雜志質疑Lieber從未發表過同汽車、電池相關嘅論文或專利,但同中國嘅合作項目居然係爲電動汽車研發電池?
An affidavit outlining the charges against Lieber notes that in January 2013, he signed an agreement between Harvard and Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China. According to the affidavit, “The stated purpose of the agreement, which had a five-year effective term, was to ‘carry out advanced research and development of nanowire-based lithium ion batteries with high performance for electric vehicles.’”
In Lieber’s case, however, the battery angle poses a puzzle. That’s because a search of the titles of Lieber’s more than 400 papers and more than 75 U.S. and Chinese patents reveals no mentions of “battery,” “batteries,” “vehicle,” or “vehicles.”
@Rehk 無證據啩
不過千人唔一定要教授,一般科研人員都可以申請 -
龐佩奧訪日參加美日印澳四方對話 推動「亞洲小北約」抗衡中國
時事台 • 恆智德 • • 舊使用者 • • 0 16 1781 -
時事台 • 恆智德 • • 恆智德 • • 1 3 1302 -
時事台 • 恆智德 • • 玭玻邦 • • 1 14 801 -
時事台 • 恆智德 • • 自動書記 • • 1 11 1696 -
時事台 • 恆智德 • • 恆智德 • • 1 12 2568 -
時事台 • 恆智德 • • 恆智德 • • 1 20 2622 -
吹水區 • 恆智德 • • 恆智德 • • 1 31 3129 -
時事台 • chiang • • 恆智德 • • 2 8 918 -
時事台 • 恆智德 • • 恆智德 • • 1 13 1553