@恆智德 其實安倍係Donald Trump上任前同佢見面已經提出要圍堵支共,但仲係諗住靜靜地贏,支那錢照收
【2020-08-26 蘋果】 美國商務部26日宣佈,將24間中國企業,包括在港上市的中交建(1800)旗下5家公司,列入「實體清單」(Entity List)制裁,原因是它們協助中國在南海興建軍事用途的人工島及設施。受制裁的24間中國企業中,包括中國交通建設集團旗下5間公司、中船重工集團第722研究所、中國電子科技集團等分公司。
美國商務部工業安全局通報:Commerce Department Adds 24 Chinese Companies to the Entity List for Helping Build Military Islands in the South China Sea
【2020-08-26 SCMP】China launched two missiles, including an “aircraft-carrier killer”, into the South China Sea on Wednesday morning, a source close to the Chinese military said, sending a clear warning to the United States.
- 中國交通建設(中交)疏浚公司(China Communications Construction Company Dredging Group Co., Ltd.)
中交疏浚在‘一带一路’建设引领下,持续加大投入优势人才、船舶、技术等资源,建设了巴拿马科隆集装箱港、乌克兰伊利乔夫斯克港、巴西伊塔雅伊港疏浚工程等一批代表性海外项目,为提升全球航道港口等级、改善基础设施建设做出了努力。同时与俄罗斯、厄瓜多尔、加纳等国家进行了深入的项目合作,在东南亚、南亚、南美、中东及非洲等60多个国家地区开展疏浚及吹填等项目,与沿线国家携手共进、合作共赢,合力打造利益共同体和命运共同体。- 中交天津航道局(China Communications Construction Company Tianjin Waterway Bureau)
2013年以来,天航局积极践行“一带一路”倡议,在海外累计实施项目17个,为沿线国家的经济发展,为世界经济的互联互通起到了积极作用。- 中交上海航道局(China Communications Construction Company Shanghai Waterway Bureau)
中国驻里约总领事李杨在活动上致辞。他说,上航局巴西公司在实现自身发展的同时,也为巴西的经济发展和社会进步做出了重要贡献。他希望上航局巴西公司未来继续努力,进一步推进“一带一路”建设,中巴友好合作,以及中巴人民的友谊。- 中交廣州航道局(China Communications Construction Company Guangzhou Waterway Bureau)
https://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/2019-11-14/doc-iihnzahi0890967.shtml - 中國交通建設(中交)疏浚公司(China Communications Construction Company Dredging Group Co., Ltd.)
原來之前一日美國派出U2去共軍渤海灣實彈演習海域上空(禁飛區)偵察Chinese defence ministry spokesman Wu Qian said a U-2 reconnaissance jet flew without permission over the no-fly zone in the PLA’s northern military region, where the live-fire drills were taking place.
A source close to the Chinese military said the U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft came from a military base in South Korea, and flew over the Bohai Gulf where the Chinese aircraft carrier the Shandong was taking part in the exercise.
後者射程四千公里,可携帶核彈頭One of the missiles, a DF-26B, was launched from the northwestern province of Qinghai, while the other, a DF-21D, lifted off from Zhejiang province in the east.
The DF-21 has a range of around 1,800km, with state media describing the most advanced in the series, the DF-21D, as the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missile.
南海兩處,東海,黃海,渤海灣(5處??)【2020-08-24 SCMP】
Maritime safety administrations in four locations issued notices between Friday and Sunday announcing drills, and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) said exercises had been completed in another. The locations included two in the South China Sea, one in the East China Sea, one further north in the Yellow Sea, and one in the Bohai Gulf, the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea. -
@恆智德 在 加速!美國制裁24間南海建島中企,同日中國向南海發射2枚飛彈 中說:
China launched two missiles, including an “aircraft-carrier killer”, into the South China Sea on Wednesday morning
A U.S. defense official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Reuters that on Wednesday China launched four medium-range ballistic missiles that hit the South China Sea between Hainan Island and the Paracel Islands.
@恆智德 不過有南海問題專家話呢個制裁暫時無太大作用,因爲得限買,無限制金融方面
“It probably doesn’t make much impact on those entities directly - I doubt that there is much CCCC(中國交通建設公司) needs to buy from the U.S. that it can’t get from other suppliers. And these certainly aren’t the financial sanctions that some might have expected ... But it could be a start at trying to convince Southeast Asian partners that the new policy is more than just rhetoric,” said Greg Poling, a South China Sea expert at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies.
@恆智德 在 加速!美國制裁24間南海建島中企,同日中國向南海發射2枚飛彈 中說:
東風-26型彈道導彈是懾戰一體、核常兼備的新型系列化導彈武器,是火箭軍中遠程打擊武器的骨乾和核心力量。東風-26導彈具備跨區無依托機動發射能力,能夠對包括艦船在內多種目標進行精確打擊。 -
@恆智德 在 加速!美國制裁24間南海建島中企,同日中國向南海發射2枚飛彈 中說:
@恆智德 原來共軍月初就射過兩支
2020-08-05 SCMP US-China relations: militaries carry out missile tests as tensions continue to simmerThe People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force fired two missiles – a DF-26 and a DF-16 – during a recent exercise, the official Chinese military news website 81.cn reported on Tuesday. It did not give an exact date for the tests.
美國都試射一支洲際導彈,從加州打去太平洋Marshall Islands,路程超過6000km;不過美軍話同共軍試射無關
Meanwhile, the US Air Force Global Strike Command said it launched an unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday morning.
The missile, fitted with three re-entry vehicles – which in wartime could be replaced with nuclear warheads – flew more than 6,000km from a base in California before splashing down at a US testing range in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
Despite the prevailing tension between Washington and Beijing, the US Air Force dismissed suggestions the missile launches were linked.
龐佩奧訪日參加美日印澳四方對話 推動「亞洲小北約」抗衡中國
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