As reported last weekend at The Gateway Pundit — video was released on Friday in Mandarin Chinese of a phone call request for fake ballots customized by Chinese factory.
The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China.
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Floyd, GA 發現超過2600張(1643+865=2508 成百張廢票)選票漏計,其中六成半(65.5%,1643/2508)投畀當撈侵,侵因此追返800張選票差距(原先落後拜登萬四張)
A recount in Georgia’s presidential race found more than 2,600 ballots in Floyd County that hadn’t originally been tallied, likely helping President Donald Trump reduce his 14,000-vote deficit to Joe Biden. Trump could gain nearly 800 net votes from the discovered ballots. There were 1,643 new votes for Trump and 865 for Biden.
又係計票機出事,GA投票系統經理Gabriel Sterling話有一部機器掃完選票之後無上傳到,不過就強調機器無問題,係有人漏咗上傳
The problem occurred because county election officials didn’t upload votes from a memory card in an ballot scanning machine, said Gabriel Sterling, the state’s voting system manager.(唔關機器事,係有選舉官員漏咗一張記憶卡上邊嘅票)
He called it “an amazing blunder” and said the county’s elections director should resign. (郡選舉主任要辭職!
“It’s not an equipment issue. It’s a person not executing their job properly,” Sterling said. This is the kind of situation that requires a change at the top of their management side."
@恆智德 喺 GA(佐治亞)發現超過2600張選票漏計,其中六成半投畀當撈侵 入面講:
The previously uncounted votes were cast during in-person early voting at the Floyd County Administration Building, which includes the county’s elections office, said Luke Martin, chairman of the Floyd County Republican Party.
Over half of 5,000 printed-out ballots cast on an optical scanner weren’t initially recorded.
The issue appeared to occur on an optical scanner that stopped working after a couple of weeks of early voting**, Martin said. County election officials were supposed to rescan all paper ballots cast on that machine, but roughly half of them weren’t recorded**.
Floyd County共和黨主席話漏計選票來自提前投票,因爲其中一部掃票機暫停;部機嘅選票本來應該全部重新掃描,不過有一半都無無記錄到
@恆智德 喺 GA(佐治亞)發現超過2600張選票漏計,其中六成半投畀當撈侵 入面講:
計票機出事,GA投票系統經理Gabriel Sterling話有一部機器掃完選票之後無上傳到,不過就強調機器無問題
The only forensic examination which has been done of direct-recording software files was in Georgia in 2020, and found that one or more unauthorized intruders had entered the files and erased records of what it did to them. In 2014–2017 an intruder had control of the state computer in Georgia which programmed vote-counting machines for all counties. The same computer also held voter registration records. The intrusion exposed all election files in Georgia since then to compromise and malware. Public disclosure came in 2020 from a court case.[35][36][37] Georgia did not have paper ballots to measure the amount of error in electronic tallies. The FBI studied that computer in 2017, and did not report the intrusion.[38][35]
@恆智德 喺 GA(佐治亞)發現超過2600張選票漏計,其中六成半投畀當撈侵 入面講:
one or more unauthorized intruders had entered the files and erased records of what it did to them. In 2014–2017 an intruder had control of the state computer in Georgia which programmed vote-counting machines for all counties.
AP January 17, 2020
Expert: Georgia election server showed signs of tampering
A computer security expert says he found that a forensic image of the election server central to a legal battle over the integrity of Georgia elections showed signs that the original server was hacked.
The server was left exposed to the open internet for at least six months, a problem the same expert discovered in August 2016. It was subsequently wiped clean in mid-2017 with no notice, just days after election integrity activists filed a lawsuit seeking an overhaul of what they called the state’s unreliable and negligently run election system.
安全專家Logan Lamb指出臺server有至少半年處於開放網路之中(無加密?任上定任睇?),而且呢個問題16年8月就已經發現。2017年中,有人告官要求全面檢查州選舉系統,server上邊嘅内容過幾日就被清嗮