Mass protests sweep Europe | Rallies against COVID restrictions continue in France, Germany, Italy
唔係幾睇得起條友,覺得佢吹水多過實際,一味就係想拜相。 -
@親衛隊 肯定要中國找數
Blame China一定最容易拿到選票,又可以爲現任政府射波,對華强硬短期内一定係共識 -
有專家話情況非常嚴重,而且喺英國入得ICU超過一半機會玩完 latest figures show that the death rate of those admitted to intensive care in the UK now exceeds 50%.
Dr Simon Clarke, a microbiologist, told Sky News: "I'll say this to you, the NHS, particularly at this moment, doesn't give up intensive care beds just for people to be looked over - it doesn't work like that, even for prime ministers.
"He would not be in intensive care unless he needed to be in intensive care, especially not at this time, and I think it's probably about time that the press people in Number 10 started levelling with us about what his condition really is."
@free 夠Charles摻,呢手也點知有咩後遺症。
呢個病真係古怪。最早瀨嘢嗰個衛生部parliamentary under secretary Nadine Dorries同佢老母已經冇事,佢仲要話佢老母
"Unlike with my situation, we know exactly where she caught it from and the irony is, despite her having had major surgery to replace the valves in her heart damaged by childhood illness, despite her pacemaker and breathlessness, her lifetime of smoking, hard work in her early years and poor diet, she had much milder symptoms than me."
@姬嘉鐸我老婆 自小就有心臟病,要靠心率調節器,氣短,長期食煙,飲食又差,噉L樣都無事
d老嘢咁勁 -
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武漢日記飽受圍剿 方方跨年發文:極左禍國殃民
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柏林空運翻版?英國糧食恐短缺 德國空運食材救助
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