Thiel 爆料 Facebook 中國員工反香港,仲係主流
Thiel 爆料 Facebook 中國員工反香港,仲係主流
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Peter Thiel 同 Mike Pompeo 同場開 talk,爆料講 Facebook 中國員工反香港,咁爆冇人講嘅?
In case 有人唔識佢:Peter Thiel 係美國著名創業同投資者,有本書叫做 Zero to One 好出名,仲係 Facebook 早期投資者同埋董事。佢仲係侵侵2016支持者。
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
@四邑漁農牧工商總會 喺 Thiel 爆料 Facebook 中國員工反香港,仲係主流 入面講:
我平時用 minds 代替 FB
telegram / 代替 wts
rumble / vanced 代替 youtube
firefox / firefox lite / vivaldi 代替 google-chrome
我有兩個FB a/c 加 1 個ig a/c,不過都係假人黎
@當撈侵 同類別代替 tg夠嗮,橫掂whatsapp、tg都要留電話,tg功能完勝
matrix用途係代替irc,我見好多會留irc channel嘅網近年係會留埋matrix
@親衞隊 Matrix metadata多到你唔信,衰過whatsapp,唔只豬西八格知道你同咩人傾計,所有人都知
Notes on privacy and data collection of
receive a lot of private, personal and identifiable data on a regular basis, or metadata that can be used to precisely identify and/or track users/server, their social graph, usage pattern and potential location. This is possible both by the default configuration values in synapse/Riot that do not promote privacy, and by specific choices made by their developers to not disclose, inform users or resolve in a timely manner several known behaviours of the software.Data sent on a potential regular basis based on a common web/desktop+smartphone usage even with a self-hosted client and Homeserver:
- The Matrix ID of users, usually including their username.
- Email addresses, phone numbers of the user and their contacts.
- Associations of Email, phone numbers with Matrix IDs.
- Usage patterns of the user.
- IP address of the user, which can give more or less precise geographical location information.
- The user's devices and system information.
- The other servers that users talks to.
- Room IDs, potentially identifying the Direct chat ones and the other user/server.
With default settings, they allow unrestricted, non-obfuscated public access to the following potentially personal data/info:
- Matrix IDs mapped to Email addresses/phone numbers added to a user's settings.
- Every file, image, video, audio that is uploaded to the Homeserver.
- Profile name and avatar of users.
@親衞隊 喺 Thiel 爆料 Facebook 中國員工反香港,仲係主流 入面講:
Notes on privacy and data collection of
receive a lot of private, personal and identifiable data on a regular basis, or metadata that can be used to precisely identify and/or track users/server, their social graph, usage pattern and potential location. This is possible both by the default configuration values in synapse/Riot that do not promote privacy, and by specific choices made by their developers to not disclose, inform users or resolve in a timely manner several known behaviours of the software.Data sent on a potential regular basis based on a common web/desktop+smartphone usage even with a self-hosted client and Homeserver:
- The Matrix ID of users, usually including their username.
- Email addresses, phone numbers of the user and their contacts.
- Associations of Email, phone numbers with Matrix IDs.
- Usage patterns of the user.
- IP address of the user, which can give more or less precise geographical location information.
- The user's devices and system information.
- The other servers that users talks to.
- Room IDs, potentially identifying the Direct chat ones and the other user/server.
With default settings, they allow unrestricted, non-obfuscated public access to the following potentially personal data/info:
- Matrix IDs mapped to Email addresses/phone numbers added to a user's settings.
- Every file, image, video, audio that is uploaded to the Homeserver.
- Profile name and avatar of users.
同whatsapp差唔多,分別在所有人都睇到,whatsapp就只係big tech同deep state CIA呢啲睇到
matrix嘅meta leak問題一早有人插佢哋,不過佢哋仲整緊次世代server dendrite,
出嚟之前應該唔使旨意有大幅度改善 -
@親衞隊 喺 Thiel 爆料 Facebook 中國員工反香港,仲係主流 入面講:
matrix嘅meta leak問題一早有人插佢哋,不過佢哋仲整緊次世代server dendrite,
@當撈侵 佢嘅賣點都唔係保護私隱.... e2ee基本嘢嚟嘅,賣點係多中心,可以自己控制server,避開審查
@親衞隊 喺 公投提案建議 - 基於A-108,唔再將將侵犯私隱嘅網站變做hyperlink,改為出用家輸入嘅純文字 入面講:
@當撈侵 佢嘅賣點都唔係保護私隱.... e2ee基本嘢嚟嘅,賣點係多中心,可以自己控制server,避開審查
@親衞隊 喺 公投提案建議 - 基於A-108,唔再將將侵犯私隱嘅網站變做hyperlink,改為出用家輸入嘅純文字 入面講:
@當撈侵 佢嘅賣點都唔係保護私隱.... e2ee基本嘢嚟嘅,賣點係多中心,可以自己控制server,避開審查
Privacy and encrypted messaging
Element protects you from unwanted ads, data mining and walled gardens. It also secures all your data, one-to-one video and voice communication through end-to-end encryption and cross-signed device verification.Element gives you control over your privacy while allowing you to communicate securely with anyone on the Matrix network, or other business collaboration tools by integrating with apps such as Slack.
Element gives you privacy, security compliance and integration flexibility.
Own your data
You decide where to keep your data and messages. Without the risk of data mining or access from third parties.Element - Secure Messenger (Group messenger - encrypted messaging, group chat and video calls) -
@親衞隊 喺 Thiel 爆料 Facebook 中國員工反香港,仲係主流 入面講:
第度講proxy,醒起matrix嘅主流desktop client(element desktop)係冇位俾你揀連咩proxy,即係如果唔係成個app擺入tails、whonix用想用tor要自己搞一輪
@親衞隊 喺 Thiel 爆料 Facebook 中國員工反香港,仲係主流 入面講:
self-hosted matrix(或者搵個你信得過嘅熟人做)就冇之前講嘅大部分問題不過大部分人用
Self host都會收集到呢啲資料,整server好麻煩同要好小心駭客
@親衞隊 喺 Thiel 爆料 Facebook 中國員工反香港,仲係主流 入面講:
@親衞隊 喺 Thiel 爆料 Facebook 中國員工反香港,仲係主流 入面講:
第度講proxy,醒起matrix嘅主流desktop client(element desktop)係冇位俾你揀連咩proxy,即係如果唔係成個app擺入tails、whonix用想用tor要自己搞一輪
Tails我唔用persistent storage,同埋裝software都幾唔方便。
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