先幾日(9/14)https://xsden.info/topic/1033——歐盟輪值主席國德國總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)、歐洲理事會主席米歇爾(Charles Michel)、歐盟委員會主席馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)
- 中國不接受人權「教師爺」,反對搞「雙重標凖」。(人權方面沒有可以奉為金科律玉的教科書,也沒有可以對中國人民頤使氣指的教師爺。
- 歐洲首先應該解決好自身人權問題,並具體提出歐盟內部「反猶太、反穆斯林、反黑人」等問題進行討論。
Without any doubt, there is a clear need for Europe to take clear positions and quick actions on global affairs.
Two days ago, the latest EU-China leaders meeting took place.
The relationship between the European Union and China is simultaneously one of the most strategically important and one of the most challenging we have.
From the outset I have said China is a negotiating partner, an economic competitor and a systemic rival.
We have interests in common on issues such as climate change – and China has shown it is willing to engage through a high-level dialogue. But we expect China to live up to its commitments in the Paris Agreement and lead by example.
There is still hard work to do on fair market access for European companies, reciprocity and overcapacity. We continue to have an unbalanced trade and investment partnership.
And there is no doubt that we promote very different systems of governance and society. We believe in the universal value of democracy and the rights of the individual.
Europe is not without issues – think for example of anti-semitism. But we discuss them publicly. Criticism and opposition are not only accepted but are legally protected.
So we must always call out human rights abuses whenever and wherever they occur – be it on Hong Kong or with the Uyghurs.
But what holds us back? Why are even simple statements on EU values delayed, watered down or held hostage for other motives?
When Member States say Europe is too slow, I say to them be courageous and finally move to qualified majority voting – at least on human rights and sanctions implementation.
This House has called many times for a European Magnitsky Act – and I can announce that we will now come forward with a proposal.
We need to complete our toolbox.
Honourable Members,
Be it in Hong Kong, Moscow or Minsk: Europe must take a clear and swift position.
注:以上係歐盟官方加粗 - 中國不接受人權「教師爺」,反對搞「雙重標凖」。(人權方面沒有可以奉為金科律玉的教科書,也沒有可以對中國人民頤使氣指的教師爺。
@恆智德 喺 親自示範戰狼言論,習帝外交無堅不摧 入面講:
Europe is not without issues – think for example of anti-semitism. But we discuss them publicly. Criticism and opposition are not only accepted but are legally protected.
So we must always call out human rights abuses whenever and wherever they occur – be it on Hong Kong or with the Uyghurs.
But what holds us back? Why are even simple statements on EU values delayed, watered down or held hostage for other motives?
When Member States say Europe is too slow, I say to them be courageous and finally move to qualified majority voting – at least on human rights and sanctions implementation.
This House has called many times for a European Magnitsky Act – and I can announce that we will now come forward with a proposal.上面呢幾句直綫抽擊雜種所謂「歐洲首先應該解決好自身人權問題」,坦承歐洲會公開面對種種問題
另一方面,呼籲歐盟各國要有擔當,要維護歐盟價值,要行使「有效多數表決制」通過歐盟版馬格尼茨基法,制裁侵犯人權嘅國家 -
@恆智德 喺 親自示範戰狼言論,習帝外交無堅不摧 入面講:
「有效多數表決制」(qualified majority voting, QMV)
- 55% of member states vote in favour - in practice this means 15 out of 27(55%成員國贊成)
- the proposal is supported by member states representing at least 65% of the total EU population (贊成國至少要占歐盟65%人口)
The blocking minority must include at least four Council members representing more than 35% of the EU population.
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