• Citi

    原載德國之聲中文網(簡體),轉載自LINE TODAY(繁體)

    德國《法蘭克福匯報》發表了題為"如果台灣陷落"(Wenn Taiwan fällt)的文章,在引言中發問:"中國不願意冒險和美國開戰。但是如果北京今年夏天看到了千載難逢的佔領這個小島的機會呢?"

    該報的東亞政治記者Friederike Böge在文章的開頭寫道:"假設,特朗普以非常小的差距輸掉了總統選舉。他不承認計票結果。……在世界的另外一邊,中國,這可能也會引起一連串慌亂的反應,在很短的時間內大幅度提高一場戰爭爆發的風險。'北京可能會從中看到千載難逢的機會',做出這番表態的是倫敦大學亞非學院院長曾鋭生。他說的這個機會是--佔領台灣。"







  • Citi

    上文提及曾鋭生(Professor Steve Tsang, Director, SOAS China Institute)嘅表態應該來自下面呢篇訪問:
    2020/8/30 Express: China plot: Beijing could INVADE rival state if US election chaos creates distraction

    Taiwanese citizens are petrrified their island democracy will one day be annexed by communist China, Professor Steve Tsang of SOAS University London told Express.co.uk. He warned Beijing could use a chaotiic US 2020 election result as a "once in a thousand years opportunity" to invade Taiwan, while the US was pre-occupied. (曾教授警告中共可能會趁美國大選混亂之時入侵台灣)

    Prof Tsang said: "Before Xi Jinping dies or loses power he intends to take Taiwan. He has installed himself into power in China as leader for life. He will attempt to take Taiwan as a long term ambition, rather than in the short term." (作爲終身元首,長期來睇,雜種死或者落台之前肯定想搶台灣返來,短期應該唔會)

    Speaking about an all-out military conflict between China and Taiwan, Prof Tsang declared it "would not be easy". He said China would pay a high price to cross the Taiwan Strait and would need to land the bulk of the People's Liberation Army on the island in order to solidify control. "You cannot force a medium-sized power like Taiwan into capitulation unless you get boots on the ground." (中美全面開打唔係咁易:共軍想渡過台灣海峽肯定損失慘重,如果想控制台灣更加需要大量陸軍,話曬台灣軍力屬於中等)

    The SOAS warned China, however, could exploit a "once in a thousand years" event that could be used to gain Taiwan: a narrow defeat for Donald Trump in the US election, which could spark a huge appeal and protests. The internal political and social chaos within the US would create an ideal opportunity for China to make its move and attack Taiwan. (不過中共有一個千載難逢的機會:假如當撈侵向11月大選以微弱劣勢落敗,當撈侵忿而上訴,美國陷入抗議潮,就會出現短暫政治真空)

    Prof Tsang said: "If Donald Trump was to get a second term, then no problem. But, if Donald Trump was to lose by a small margin and did not accept the result and the US is consumed by a political crisis, China may take the risk and try to take Taiwan."

    But the risk is high for Xi, and if he fails it could be detrimental not only for his own leadership but of that of the entire Chinese Communist Party. (當然,雜種豪賭都有風險,分分鐘中共要跟埋佢陪葬)

  • Citi

    @恆智德如果台灣陷落? 入面講:

    曾鋭生(Professor Steve Tsang, Director, SOAS China Institute)
