Source: https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin
What PrivateBin provides
As a server administrator you don't have to worry if your users post content that is considered illegal in your country. You have no knowledge of any of the pastes content. If requested or enforced, you can delete any paste from your system.
Pastebin-like system to store text documents, code samples, etc.
Encryption of data sent to server.
Possibility to set a password which is required to read the paste. It further protects a paste and prevents people stumbling upon your paste's link from being able to read it without the password.
我諗住以後物盡其用,利用server閒置嘅空間host類似嘅mini app。希望可以幫到人(順便曲線宣傳😂)。
@Rehk 之前upgrade要掂啲code順手改埋。好似PrivateBin其實都算係以前一直用開 。
Source: https://github.com/gchq/cyberchef
he Cyber Swiss Army Knife
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR or Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.
The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.
一個純client side有好多功能嘅app,比如計hash、PGP、Remove EXIF之類都有(其實真係好多,有興趣可以慢慢睇下)。
如果講XsDen同其它地方有咩唔同😂,除咗一開始話想做面向全球粵語使用者嘅討論區(人多先算啦 ),就係匿名屬性。
所以Code狗做到嘅係強化XsDen匿名相關功能。雖然呢啲open source project其實其它地方都可以用,收集之後擺埋一齊會方便啲(😜其實都係幫緊作者宣傳)。
繼續host呢啲比較有意義嘅light weight app應該以後會定期做(只要唔影響XsDen本體使用)。我諗住之後開一個面向公眾嘅新分區用嚟收集呢堆apps嘅意見及新app推介(因爲其實唔算係XsDen站務所以想整新區)。