
  • Citi

    路透社從三名内幕人士處得悉,中聯部周四(April 23)已派遣官員和醫療專家奔赴北韓,爲金正恩提供建議

    China has dispatched a team to North Korea including medical experts to advise on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, according to three people familiar with the situation.

    The trip by the Chinese doctors and officials comes amid conflicting reports about the health of the North Korean leader. Reuters was unable to immediately determine what the trip by the Chinese team signaled in terms of Kim's health.

    A delegation led by a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party's International Liaison Department left Beijing for North Korea on Thursday, two of the people said. The department is the main Chinese body dealing with neighbouring North Korea.



    南韓新聞網Daily NK報道金正恩4月12日因爲食得太多煙、超重同勞累接受心血管手術,術後恢復良好

    Daily NK, an online newspaper based in South Korea that focuses on North Korea, reports that Kim reportedly received a cardiovascular system procedure on April 12.

    Kim received the cardiovascular system procedure because of "excessive smoking, obesity, and overwork," according to the news site, and is now receiving treatment in a villa in Hyangsan County following his procedure.

    After assessing that Kim's condition had improved, most of the medical team treating him returned to Pyongyang on April 19 and only part of them remained to oversee his recovery situation, according to the news site.


    The US is monitoring intelligence that suggests North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un, is in grave danger after undergoing a previous surgery, according to a US official with direct knowledge.

    A second source familiar with the intelligence told CNN that the US has been closely monitoring reports on Kim's health.

    Another US official told CNN Monday that the concerns about Kim's health are credible but the severity is hard to assess.


    South Korea's Presidential Blue House said in a statement provided to reporters that they have nothing to confirm on reports about Kim's health and that "no unusual signs" have been detected inside North Korea.


    On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump also downplayed earlier reports that Kim was gravely ill. "I think the report was incorrect," Trump told reporters, but he declined to say if he had been in touch with North Korean officials.

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  • 千其唔好死,最好腦殘活到99。

  • Citi @Drdoom

    @Drdoom 點解?

  • @恆智德

    @恆智德 世界荒誕,大獨裁者卻被世界認可,人民受苦卻被左膠盛讚偉大成就。我就要睇大戲,要睇一個嘴角留住口水,雙眼無神,傻更更撩鼻屎嘅恩恩。要睇佢如何畀人吹捧為玩弄中美與鼓掌嘅奇才。想死,冇噉容易,問過4chan同reddit啲meme友先得。

  • 路透社的新聞可信度很高。三胖看來真的危矣。

  • Citi @訪客

    @耶利 嗯,綜合各種消息,唔死都一身殘

  • Citi






  • @Drdoom

    @Drdoom 最好長命百歲,百病纏身