
  • Citi

    Sep 19, 2020 AMD obtained a license from the US govt. to keep supplying to Huawei

    Recently, in a shocking report, the US processor giant, AMD has announced that the company has obtained a supply license to Huawei. The Senior Vice President of AMD, Forrest Norrod, at the Deutsche Bank Technology Conference, held on 19th September, announced the news, and he further added, as a postscript, that the Huawei ban did not have a significant impact on AMD’s business.(AMD副總裁指華為禁令唔會對公司業務造成重大影響)

    Forrest Norrod has emphasized time and again that it will be fully committed to complying with US laws, and has taken appropriate measures to ensure that AMD manages the list of entities and interactions with customers or potential customers. AMD’s announcement to resume business with Huawei would make the company the first one to ever publicly state that the US company had obtained a license after the “Huawei ban” announced by the Trump government on effective from September 15.
    Other companies including but not limited to Intel, Micron Technology, South Korea’s Samsung, SK Hynix, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., MediaTek, and SMIC in mainland China have all disclosed that they have submitted license applications to the US Department of Commerce to continue to supply Huawei. AMD is one of the top tier processor suppliers that powers most of Huawei’s notebooks, especially AMD’s Ryzen series CPU.

  • 又續命啦,全球一體化好多嘢真係講唔埋。