September 18, 20209:27 AM
China's Tencent rebrands WeChat work app ahead of Trump ban
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Chinese tech giant Tencent Holdings 0700.HK has changed the name of its WeChat Work office collaboration app to WeCom, setting it up as a potential alternative to its messaging app WeChat ahead of a U.S. ban.
Tencent, registered the WeCom trademark on Aug. 19, according to the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Two Tencent sources said WeCom does not fall under the scope of a ban on WeChat-related transactions in the United States from Sept. 20, one of a series of U.S. measures cracking down on Chinese tech firms and apps that Washington says are threats to national security.
Tencent declined to comment.
WeChat is an all-in-one mobile app that combines messaging, social media, payment functions and other services. Its so-called super app is all but essential for daily life in China and boasts more than a billion users.
In the United States, WeChat is widely used by Chinese expats and others to communicate with friends and associates in China. It has an average of 19 million daily active users in the United States, according to analytics firm Apptopia.
After downloading WeCom, users can now link their WeChat account to it and add their WeChat contacts, a Reuters test showed. WeCom users can then message, create chat groups, and even receive virtual money from WeChat friends without their WeChat contacts having to download WeCom.
There was no indication that Tencent has actively promoted WeCom in the United States. There has also been no surge in downloads of WeCom in recent weeks, according to Sensor Tower.
WECOM WORKAROUNDU.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is set to release regulations by Sunday clarifying which WeChat transactions will be prohibited under President Donald Trump’s executive order.
On Thursday, the U.S. Justice Department said Ross did not plan to target persons or groups who only download or use WeChat to convey personal or business information.
Tencent staff in the United States have historically used WeChat Work to communicate with the company’s headquarters in Shenzhen. Tencent has at least 250 U.S.-based employees.
Trump’s Aug. 6 announcement of the ban on transactions related to WeChat caused a spike in downloads of WeChat and alternative apps by U.S. residents. A group of WeChat users has also sued to block the ban.
The WeCom mobile app has been gaining popularity in China, where downloads in the first part of September rose 74% from about 690,000 during the first 16 days of August. Downloads were 158% higher than the same period a year ago.
But the app has gained little traction in the United States. New U.S. installs so far in September stand at about 3,000, unchanged from the same period in August and up from 1,000 during the first part of September last year.
Nina Wei, a Chinese entrepreneur in Seattle, said she used WeCom mostly to connect with business contacts in China but hadn’t used it much recently as a number of projects had fallen apart amid deteriorating Sino-U.S. relations.
She was unaware that WeCom was a potential workaround.
“I haven’t connected my WeCom to my WeChat yet as I was hoping to keep my work life and private life separate.”
圖規避美國禁令,企業版微信 WeChat Work 改名 WeCom
2020年8月24日 下午6:52
近期,有網友發現,企業微信海外版英文名從 WeChat Work 改成了 WeCom。而這個舉動是突然之間的,此前企業微信官方沒有針對改換名稱發出任何通告,但是現在的海外官網上已經改成了 WeCom,甚至在 Apple 和 Google 的應用商店上也進行了調整。
這一次的改名很可能與美國近期發布的禁令有關。要知道8月初,特朗普簽署了兩項行政令,用以針對字節跳動的海外短片平台 TikTok 和騰訊的社交通信軟件 WeChat(微信),直接宣佈在9月20日之後不允許美國公司與微信母公司進行交易。不過此舉反遭中國網民就嘲「掩耳盜鈴」,香港 Lihkg 網民「你以為人地傻架?人地係 Ban 你成間公司啊」。
特朗普已簽行政命令,可 45 天後禁 TikTok、WeChat 在美運作
「騰訊禁制令」一出,Apple 很可能將在 App Store 上下架 WeChat 等眾多的騰訊產品。如果出現這種情況,根據 Apple 分析師郭明錤的報告,如果 Apple 僅僅在全球商店下架微信,那會導致 iPhone 出貨量暴跌25~30%;如果只是針對美國商店下架微信,出貨量影響下降至3~6%。這引起了 Apple 等多家公司的不滿。
被問到封殺 WeChat 會令 iPhone 中國銷量急跌,特朗普回應「隨便」
不僅僅是美國企業,甚至還有美國的 WeChat 用戶組織了「美國WeChat用戶聯盟」,將會正式向加州北區的地區聯邦法庭遞交訴狀,起訴特朗普侵犯了憲法。
we are communist 😂
@自動書記 喺 自爆共匪?Wechat變WeCom 入面講:
Two Tencent sources said WeCom does not fall under the scope of a ban on WeChat-related transactions in the United States from Sept. 20
After downloading WeCom, users can now link their WeChat account to it and add their WeChat contacts, a Reuters test showed. WeCom users can then message, create chat groups, and even receive virtual money from WeChat friends without their WeChat contacts having to download WeCom.
@愛吃牛的小蚊子 We commies come.
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