原來4月底Pompeo就已經宣佈 5G Clean Path,特別要清除華爲同中興嘅設備 :lomore-support:
In May 2019, government officials from more than 30 countries across the globe, alongside representatives from the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and industry, participated in discussions regarding the important national security, economic, and commercial considerations that must be part of each country’s evaluation of 5G vendors.The resulting Prague Proposals on 5G security published by the Czech conference chair serve as a set of recommendations and principles for nations to consider as they design, construct, and administer their 5G infrastructure.
美國國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)今天發聲明表示,隨著各地人民逐漸意識到中共監視危險,情勢開始轉而對中國電信設備巨擘華為不利,許多國家5G網路建設只允許可信賴廠商參與,華為與多國電信商合約因而紛紛破滅。
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